B2B Sales

How To Get Higher B2B Sales With Content Marketing

Business Digital Marketing

Sales is an ever-changing industry. With it, the methods companies use to reach prospects and place them in the funnel change.

Many companies have been evaluating the effectiveness of content marketing to determine if it is a viable strategy for b2b sales. You can always hire a Digital Specialist for this if you don’t have the right team.

Content marketing in b2b business sales

This approach creates a strong connection between marketing and commercial areas. Marketing content is based on the information salespeople receive every day through interactions with prospects and customers.

The sales team can also benefit from the insights of colleagues to improve sales techniques and provide relevant materials to prospects.

The best practice is to set a time in the sales process when this exchange should occur. This can be done through a marketing platform.

What are the effects of content marketing on sales?

Get new leads

HubSpot statistics show that B2B companies with blogs generate more than 60% higher leads than those who don’t have one.

Increase your web ranking

Search engines are attracted to new, relevant, and indexed content. This type of content, whether it is a white paper, blog, or other text, can help you improve your search engine rankings. It will also increase the chances that customers will find your website.

Time saved

Marketing and sales teams can save time by using content marketing. How often does a prospect ask for a meeting, a product demo, or detailed information?


These are the steps to incorporate content marketing into your strategy

How do you effectively implement a content marketing strategy? Every reality is different, so each one will require a unique approach to personalizing your journey. However, there are some basic aspects that you should consider.

Identification of the buyer personas

The first step of the process is to identify the ideal client. This involves creating an identikit, which includes demographic data, company role, preferred channels, and other information.

Strategy creation

It is possible to create a strategy based on the buyer persona’s information.

Goal setting

Once you have created the strategy, it is crucial to clearly define the objectives and use specific KPIs.


It is now possible to implement the strategy and create an editorial plan. This will ensure that the content is organized clearly.


This phase should be followed with great attention to assess the work completed up to that point and make suggestions for improvements.

How do you choose among different content formats?

Let’s look at the steps involved in implementing a content marketing plan.

  • Newsletter – This marketing content is great for nurturing contacts or being present in customers’ daily lives and supporting their work. It must be informative and valuable.
  • Articles – Useful for building your industry leadership and increasing awareness among potential customers.
  • Testimonials – When customers are happy with the work of your team and show it, it reduces skepticism. Webinars/Webcasts are great calls-to-action and follow-ups for other content.
  • Video – Low-cost content that is easy to share and upload.

This marketing strategy can help you increase sales by focusing on the target market and personalizing the content to meet the buyer’s needs. But how to find a good SEO consultant for these tasks?

It is important to keep in mind that this strategy is only effective if the content is useful and of high quality to the customers who will be using it.


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